On September 21, Colleges, universities, education associations, and students groups will speak out to ask Congress to “Realize the DREAM” and pass the DREAM Act, legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented students who have been in the United States since childhood if they attend college or perform military service. A telephonic press briefing will be held at noon EST to discuss the importance of this vital education issue.

WHAT: Telephonic press briefing featuring higher education leaders, students, and elected officials to discuss the importance of the DREAM Act for educators in America.

WHO: Arne Duncan, Secretary, U.S. Department of Education Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University John J. DeGioia, President, Georgetown University Myrtle Dorsey, Chancellor, Baton Rouge Community College, and Chair-elect, American Association of Community Colleges Carlos Rivera, DREAM student, University of Montana Marielena Hincapié, Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center (moderator)

CALL-IN INFO: Call Time: 12 pm EST/11 am CST/10 am MST/9 am PST To attend the telephonic briefing, please dial 800-895-1549 and ask for “Realize the DREAM.” *note: this call is for media only*

BACKGROUND: Recently introduced as an amendment to the Department of Defense authorization bill, the DREAM Act is currently awaiting a vote in the Senate. The bill has 39 co-sponsors.

“Realize the DREAM” is a national day of action to highlight the importance of the DREAM Act to the higher education community.